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    but is it gorilla glass?

    i dont think the possibility of destroying themselves would stop their legal team.

    i guess your not familiar with the C series mercedes put out a few years ago for the entry level *cough people who cant affort real mercedes cough*


    pulling our leg.. i think it will be exactly the same as the last gen plus 1 feature that should have been there since the beginning.. and maybe a better screen. so looks about right.

    i think the general consensus is that for "intelligent" life (as we know it) they need to develop in a somewhat goldilocks zone similar to earth. yes, we think and will start finding basic life in crazy places in space, but the elements/factors needed to support a higher level of being needs to evolve in a goldilocks

    lol, us. after all the fucked up shit we have done over the last 10,000 years... and more to come im sure...

    depends how much feedback your generating ;)

    very true, i see your point now.. however, i would argue that maybe the smaller being may be able to withstand higher forces. think of an ant crawling on a table. you flick it across the room, bounces off the wall and lands on the ground only to wander off kinda drunk looking. this would be the equivalent of a

    Redshift is part of how we figured out the universe is expanding, as light waves get pulled apart (accelerates away from the observer) they get more red in the light spectrum. Similar to the Doppler effect with sound here on earth, from our perspective, we can determine if another point is accelerating towards or

    i lol'd +1

    Why arent they wearing their costumes?!

    it makes us the center of our VISIBLE universe, because we can see the same distance 360 degrees around us. where our 13b light year sphere is located compared to the point of the big bang took place we have no idea, or how much further from us galaxies continue to exist on the opposite side of us from the big bang.

    religion... nuff said

    since light can only travel at light speed, the further something is that we can see in space, the older it is.

    arguably, even if beings were 100 miles tall, it would NOT make space travel across the same distance seem any shorter because space travel is such a higher magnitude of distance. Size wouldnt matter until beings were solar system sized, and even then, the space between them and another destination is still lightyears

    i think this basically comes down to running counties with LOGIC not EMOTION.

    heh.. in a perfect world.. although our tax payments give us no rights like buying into a public company. we essentially give the govt our money and they choose what to do with it. after it changes hands, its not our money anymore, and we can not benefit directly from it.

    except he was employed and on company time when he did that work.. technically it belongs to his employer, in this case NASA.

    im guessing your an apple user.