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    if you know where their mistresses live/meet the politician.. some pics would go a lot further than a briefcase of cash. i would assume whomever is already holding their strings have many more briefcases of cash than we can come up with.

    lol, i was thinking that or a minor. be kinda hard to charge an 8 year old with assault.

    except the point of having a democratic state is that the population, you (unless your not a citizen of the US), can call/write/voice your opinion about legislature and its supposed to be heard by those who have power to make/change decisions.

    am i the only one who just throws out all of my decorations/lights and buys new stuff every year.. thats what xmas is all about now a days, right... Go Consumerism!

    if it supports all platforms.. there is just 1 question..

    i bet it was dictated using Siri... o wait...

    enqueue the zombie apocalypse in 3...2...

    but if we stop sending money overseas to help build infrastructure, how are 2 of our global construction companies going to see any profit?

    thats what i like to see my drinking water come out of

    the difference is post vs pre tax dollars to the public.. if we payed directly for it, it would be post tax which would mean more money we have to spend on top of taxes. if the government payed for it, its post tax dollars, meaning we dont spend any more and the govt spends less money on stupid bullshit, and some one

    although, there would be the people who do try to replicate the process in their own house/lab. This may result in nothing. This may also result in variations of the disease which cannot be killed/controlled by our designed "cure." Think of all the possible contaminants in a home brew system. all possibilities

    i think that image was perfect in its own context regarding evolution.. but def pertinent to this point.

    looks like we are right on track for dec 21 2012. can someone say army of the 12 monkeys?

    remote start. by far the best money i put into my car. pre-heats in the winter. AC blasting in the summer.. perfect.

    depends on how advanced the robot AI is...

    its called a loss leader. gets people in the store. They could probably afford to give it away for free, but wouldnt be able to keep up with the supply demand, and there would be a huge amount of ewaste as newer models come out.

    ... except that you should already have/be using a bottle of mouth wash. Also the fact that only 5-10 drops of mouth wash would be wasted from dipping a tooth brush in it, unless you brushed after dipping would mean the additional use of mouth wash for this is close to nonexistent.

    awe... everything awesome gives us cancer..

    QR codes failed (are failing) because people in mass were not taught what the hell they do. Anyone reading these sites know that we are the few, who have a reasonable grasp of technology, and how many people we know that dont know or have asked us what a QR code is, and what its used for without knowing what it was

    yup... all they do is tie together already available services and allow you to access them via any platform available, from anywhere with an internet connection.... with only 1 logon to remember. thanks for finally doing what all their competitors couldnt.