
The gameplay is great.

I think it’s the ridiculously gleeful expressions half of them sport that freaked me out the most.

This has always been a player perception problem. I had no Ghorn and did everything in Destiny. Getting a group was far from difficult.

It was no Age of Empires.

Colorful and scary? (or perhaps its more ‘existential crisis’)


Your first mistake is booking with Frontier.

I did a paper on airline finances after 9/11. Southwest is the only one who wasn’t in financial trouble after 9/11 and the only one where every single employee is in the labor union.

cost more, drained batteries faster

Still, technically, it is footage of a game being played...

Yeah, even with Hairworks turned all the way up, I don’t drop below 60 FPS in Witcher 3. The latest Witcher 3 patch and newest Nvidia drivers really helped a lot.

“A true Sayan always sprinkles when he tinkles.” - Virginia

super sand lesbian

it’s placeholder art. whatever.

I agree, I’m sure he didn’t mean it this way, but when I read that first paragraph my mind jumped to ‘creative stuff isn’t worthy of money’

People begged for this to happen. So, it’s about priorities, do you make a finalized boxart version now or, hey when the fucking thing is done and your people have more spare time for nonsense like that?

Phil’s a tool. Nuff’ said...

Naw man, there is nothing memorable about Destiny campaign. I feel like YOU’RE grasping at straws. Can’t think of a thing unless you count The Vault of Glass (Q: What did you like about Destiny? A: Ummm.. well the Vault of Glass was fun the first half-dozen times...?). The only thing I can think of as memorable at all