They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E.
They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E.
One time, back when I was a cop, I stopped this crime ring that was boosting DVD players and car stereos. Long story short, I wound up JOINING the group family and traveling the world committing/stopping crimes. Then I had a kid and they stopped inviting me to the jobs. Kids ruin everything.
Carrabba’s, spaghetti, chardonnay, hand shaker, divorce attorney, and Mecedes station wagon???
I’m not opposed to eating at a place like Carrabba’s. If it’s what you have around you, the food is good, but not great. You’ll pay $13.99 for a well executed pasta dish, and a $7 glass of wine.
Can you really tell how his fat identifies, just from a single, beautiful photograph?
The C8 pops the NP bubble for this Acura.
I was under the impression those court records were sealed, you’ll be hearing from my attorney.
They did find out and ran a software update “over the air”. HA!!!!
Once Tesla hears that you didn’t pay for the optional convertible package, you’ll be getting a bill in the mail.
“You guys are always complaining about panel gaps; this was the easiest solution.”
They were fired, not because of the “no more cars” plan but because they didn’t boldly take it far enough:
Well, things went downhill really fast...
Actually, they're both M3s, and BMW is really stupid.
Knowing BMW’s naming structure, the M4 sedan and M3 Coupe wouldn’t surprise me.