
(multiple) BMW owner here. Well done; +50 internet points

Quite an underwhelming car, but $5k for a (basically) new car? Not bad. Looks pretty comfortable. I’d buy it

Those wheels are atrocious. They look like something from a Walmart order sheet

I said from day 1: recall all Takata airbags. Seems like that’s going to end up happening.

So many cool features, but let’s look at what DID make it to production:

Tampa Bay should just take the fine. Stand up for the fans

Huh. I thought it was just a YouTube channel

My wife is pregnant and it’s been hell for her. Morning sickness all day, every day and complete exhaustion.

Side note: what’s in the Challenger’s future? Or is Chrysler doing that thing they do where they ignore that a car hasn’t been freshened up in a loooong time until it dies a quiet death with no tears shed? See: PT Cruiser, Avenger/200, etc et al


Ah, I didn’t know it was factory. Looks just like those tacky sticker ones

Oooh the douche juice oozes strongly from this ass clown.

Sweeeeet AutoZone chrome air scoop in front of the drivers door. Wait. I think I used the wrong word , I meant terrible

Wow, an extra 48mo/60k warranty is a sweet offer. I’d snap that up in a heartbeat

Cop forces a woman to have sex with him in West Virginia to get out of a ticket? And now everybody knows about it?

Would this apply to out-of-state residents?

20 years from now we’ll be seeing articles about 0.68L 1 cylinder engines with 270 horsepower 😂

This seems like something Bruce Springsteen should/would write a song about

I tried to read this comment but my head exploded after two lines.

Did the employee use a running board as a lift point for the jack?