
$125k for a base Corvette with a slushbox. Like, c’mon guys, you aren’t even trying.

You would be one of only twelve people in the entire country that would think that ...

Whats wrong with having a gun out? You do know people can open carry in some places right?

You don’t like it because it looks stupid.

Counterpoint: 700 horsepower is too many anyway.

I don’t need my ass to tell me that my current car, which has an I6, is pretty damn near perfectly balanced, and handles much better than the previous 3 cars I had that all had V6's and tons of understeer.

These just seem like dick moves now... When I turned my jetta in I felt sort of bad for the guy at the dealership because he keeps getting harassed and blamed by customers. The guy at the dealership probably had nothing to do with the scandal. Just turn in the car. It’s not that hard to act like an adult.

That’s gonna sell really well.

I can see that causing a mild panic in folks who don’t know that air pressure will hold a door shut in flight with much more force than any latch can...

Wow, that is some awkward styling in profile.

Actually I think that grammar issue was on purpose, in reference to Zoolander

Yes, but not as much as: “...violent motion that bang’s the pilot’s helmet around...

I’m pretty sure that has more to do with dealerships than it does conservatives.

I wish I could kill 11 people and just pay some money to walk away.

VW screws up, makes people sad - $15 billion

Nah, his name was mentioned across dozens of different news sites. That idol theory is bunk. Terrorists gonna terrorize because they are dumb enough to believe a stupid fairy tale about a non existent 72 Virgin paradise.

It’s ok, we can use the suspect’s name now. It’s Anis Amri. He won’t mind. He’s a corpse.

Preventing this scum from ever entering the country to begin with would have prevented all those deaths.

It’s a shame it looks like they aren’t changing too much from the current version; I test drove one when we were car shopping and the front seats didn’t feel nearly as roomy thanks to the car-like rakish a-pillar. Also not a fan of the weird side window cutline. We ended up buying the previous generation Odyssey which