
Those are asses so it's safe to say you don't have a fucking clue what to do when it comes to the ladies.

Now playing

I think the Claridryl commercial might be perfect for you.

I don't get why people get so worked up over baking. Yeah, it's science, but it's like elementary school science, not hard at all. And the measurements don't usually have to be that specific, I don't even use measuring spoons often.

Well damn. Fucking talented ass mother fucker.

That's because you have 1997 in your handle. It's okay tho. I'm sure you have a bunch of things about pop-culture I don't get as well.

Except they didn't hack anything. All these kids did was get 4000 zombies to crowd inside the art gallery and outside the door so that actual patron can't get in. They didn't break any secruity. What they are saying is more like haha, you should have gotten a warehouse to hold us stupids instead of a small gallery

as a cripple with no where else to live but in my moms house, i take nothing but pure offense to these statements.
thanks for denigrating my position in life.

Now playing

Because you can do this with the theme song.

I always figured that the racism in Team America was a comically-exaggerated pastiche of the lack of cultural sensitivity that goes into the genre of film that's being parodied. Many action films and video games really don't bother with empathy or authenticity when it come to the heritage and origins of the enemy

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?

It took me ten whole seconds to realize you weren't talking about the insect.

So, help me understand her line of thinking here:

if my daughter was the least talented person on her high school team, I probably wasn't banking on that athletic scholarship.

I read that as

Wow — he predicted not only the modern surveillance state, but Lady Gaga as well!

the american way of mummification.
