
To be honest, I have seen orders of magnitude more people whining about the perceived sensitivity of hypothetical millennials than I have actual millennials.

Dude, it has been hellishly hot and humid here this past week. Cut him a break. Heat index has been consistently over 100 due to the humidity.

You don’t see how varying concepts of what constitutes “service to the court” turns that into a moral free-for-all?

Whereas service to a client is predictable, and cut-and-dried?

The court didn’t hire you. The client did.

If you decide that the best service to the court is that your client get convicted, and you were

“It’s not about the money........ It’s about sending a message.”

Policing an institution with known credibility issues is a far cry from federally deciding what educational subjects are “worth it”.

That’s maoist great leap forward shit.

Because we have ALWAYS policed what people can spend federal loan money on. It has to be a recognized educational program. You can’t expect a federally subsidized loan to take welding lessons in the backyard from your cousin.

This is targeted action due to the nonstop lawsuits they face, proven deceptive advertising,

Renaming my glossy black laptop Dr. Ball, instead of IT-0

Thanks, I cringed so hard I now have a groin pull.

I have this one but it’s a T-Rex eating the family.



It’s being well illustrated right now.

My best friend/college roommate is a relay/transmission engineer, while I’m a fire protection engineer. We kvetch about people’s misunderstanding of infrastructure, building code, and the like all the time.

Algae bloom and biological things thriving in the now-warm water are the method of screwing up the drinking water, not booga booga radioactive.

All thermal generation plants have cooling towers or other cooling systems. Gas, biomass, nuclear, or otherwise.

Heat source and heat sink.

A pipe, with pumps at regular intervals, is so much cheaper and easier than the electrical grid, by orders of magnitude.

A nationwide grid capable of what you are proposing is several decades, and a huge infrastructure investment, away.

It’s like saying “Hey, they invented a new type of concrete that lasts much longer,

>just think how quickly we could develop anti-gravity if we stopped buying parachutes!
You can’t subtract baseload. You can’t. That’s the baseline of the system.

All those developing economies that regularly get blackouts, brownouts, and other disruptions? That’s what awaits down that path.

You can’t just magic the

I don’t want Texas’s regressive authoritarian controls determining what textbooks publishers decide to produce, and yet here we are.

I could see this same article in a few thousand years
“Growing evidence earth was once habitable”

Look into fridge ozone generators. I trust the science more than “special filters”.

Look into fridge ozone generators. I trust the science more than “special filters”.

>our first 100% historic build
>paracord wrap

Ozone works pretty well..