
I don’t know, it has connotation rolling as far back as colonial india, where it was a catchall to “other” a poor underclass. It crossed over here from England. It just became repurposed when other N word euphemisms became unacceptable.

Looks full CGI to me. Look at the walking gaits. Look at the texture of anything moving. Look at the cyclist’s clothing. The shine on the moldings on the buildings despite the “grain”. I don’t know, it looks Toy-Story 2 era Pixar to me. I feel like a douche saying it, but not a fan.

Don’t buy shitty shoes and you won’t need “protection” from them.

I really wish someone could point out to him, were that true, then such a bill would not have broad popular support.

I’m at a loss if you can’t figure out how a building that had combustible cladding applied to the noncombustible exterior didn’t collapse and a building burning like a furnace inside for literal hours did.

“Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.”

What about nose-puking? I distinctly remember nose-puking during a race in middle school cross country.

This game looks like a lot of fun, reminds me of pizza fueled nights playing Metal Slug.

FPE here. Thrown suppression “grenades” are a thing that’s been around for some time, but they tend to be rather limited in utility as opposed to an attack line.
Stat-X is the one I am most familiar with, but most are truthfully just micronized dry chem powder with a propellant. These are problematic for actual

The stimulus was handed off to the states, who by an large wasted it with short sighted, provincial bullshit. But these are the people we are supposed to give control to, because the feds are ebil.

The new Jurassic Park looks great.

I like the idea, but with $600 shoes and $300 jeans, I can’t see it as anything except an eco-hipster spin on luxury goods.

I like the idea, however we have $300 jeans and $600 shoes. I’m not sure this is going to be anything but a frou-frou spin on luxury goods.

Try driving in Nashville, Atlanta, or other metro areas. Your Arguments are invalid.

Undoubtedly. I was more thinking when he needs a warranty repair and he is on the record as using homemade battery packs.

Eh, it can be a useful tool for statistics when applied to population-sized groups, but it’s pretty useless for individuals.

I meant the recorder. Presumably a custom battery (obviously, they would have to prove it ETC ETC) would NOT be conducive to the presumed terms of said warranty.


I would be surprised to see him void the warranty on a piece of equipment that costs as much as a car to save a couple hundred bucks.