
There isn’t even a reason to make a new 8 -track recorder in the first place. The entire thing is an exercise in useless engineering.

Edit. Misunderstood. An 8 TRACK recorder makes sense.

Take McDonald’s as your example. The kitchen in the back is now a marvel of assembly line mechanization, a logistics supply chain that brings in frozen goods to be immediately reheated and served en masse. The number of burgers they put out now is off the charts. Now, they aren’t making the patties, slicing the fries,

I would argue abortion access is singularly the most important issue for economic justice for women, poverty, and helping prevent abusive relationships.

My main terror with a trump election is it validates his entire vile persona as politically viable and opens the door for that sort of “douchebag populism” to become the new status quo.

Productivity is sort of a red herring in this context, though, because increasing mechanization will continue to make capital more valuable and labor less valuable, relative to the productivity. Thus purely indexed to “productivity”, the ratio of labor expenditure relative to the cost of the mechanization to reduce

But this is calling out exactly what the whole thing was about.
“I trust her uterus. I don’t trust anyone without one.”

>putin coins
I ugly laughed at my desk and gave away that I am not working to my coworkers (are they co-workers if you are wasting time and not actually working?)

We all had a Tamiya Tracked Vehicle chassis to build with as kids, dude.

So like, the reason at least 90% of the men you see in the gym are there?

It’s the perfection fallacy, or the idea that there is some ideal to reach. “Good enough” rules the day when it comes to the adaptation. If it gets you along long enough to have a crapload of offspring, that’s good enough. It doesn’t matter if your fellow creature gains superpowers.

...and this. You make it too inconvenient for a simple robbery, and make sure it will survive a fire. That’s really it outside of a safety deposit box. Nothing else is rally worth it unless you are a secret agent. Or hell, stick whatever it is under a floorboard.

Even active defenses are another tactic buying you time and inconvieniece factor. Enough men, enough guns will still take the objective. You just make it a poor cost/reward situation, or make it inconvenient enough that there are targets with a better risk/reward ratio.

I prefer the idea that he is constantly transporting invisible watermelons.

Consider that China has 1/7 the population of the world. Then consider going to an american school, from china, means you are either wealthy or VERY good at what you do. It’s not like it’s just a dumping ground of students. Most can’t afford it. So, for a large number, the cream of a much, much larger crop is coming

>why can’t we have a debate in Your backyard, Bernie?
>”Okay, if we have one in yours.”

This guy.

Alternatively, Lighten up, francis. It’s a gimmick that sells pizza.

It’s one of the densest, hardest metals we regularly make things out of. Why the hell would that be counterintuitive for armor?

>men don’t
Can we all just stop with the genderwide generalizations? It doesn’t make anyone look smart.

This seems to be a towering strawman argument you are tilting at. People have directly insisted all this things, to you personally? Or it’s just a “feeling” you get of what “they” expect?

People without an insurance plan?
Keeping rural, completely unprofitable rural clinics open that have to fly in out of state doctors to keep women in that area with reproductive choices?

Your private insurance network being a dick doesn’t neccesarily qualify you for needs based charity care.

Try going to an emergency