
Yes, to conceal the negligent non-tested nature. Intent matters. Did they intend to skip testing? Yes. Misrepresentation/fraud. Did they intend people to die? No. Did a breach of duty occur? Absolutely.

To be fair, can you imagine if civilian vehicles were completely unable to access the airport because it was so choked with taxis? Those licences are like hunting licences, they allow them to control the number to prevent crowding.

When a company gets bankrupted in such a fashion, everyone gets left out in the cold. There is no special provision for helping your employees.

Arguably, they didn't know if it was more fatal, they just knew it was different, and cheaper. So they sent untested safety equipment into the field. It's negligence, not malicious attempts to kill people.

Can we agree at least, that the "blow oxidizer through a tube of solid fuel" rocket model is more in line for backyard experimentation, and not for human transportation? Good lord, I had no idea they were seriously powering it like this.

Rob was a problematic tool in highschool, he's become lord self important problematic douche-tool today.

Usually, because then they can change the seats between model options, or design years, without redesigning all the underlying metal. That cost isn't as big a deal in a luxury car, I'll bet.

Same. I still have that first gen Casio watch that let you take "Gameboy camera" level images.

You should see what Wool releases when it burns. Absolutely nasty stuff.

How do you think cotton candy is made?
Heated sugar thrown out (centripetal force instead of thermal expansion), cooling when it hits air leaving spidery webs. I'm shocked that people are surprised by this.

You jump to some pretty fanciful conclusions about absorption.

You're torrenting movies.

Anyone notice that IUD sort of looks like some sort of antiriot projectile?

....and here I was just going to use Mount Doom.

Man, we could have avoided the entire M:I series.

I swear this has been a skymall staple for years.

>we expect
Cool supposition, bro.