
Don't let the facts get in the way of the good story they have built up in their head. It's less glamorous, and borderline boring, so they will ignore it in favor of the Jazzed up version.

That whole "identify a person by their face" is sorta the purpose of Photo ID's. They identified him by his photo ID sent in, by him, in passport paperwork. Not some sort of roving, face matching killbot.

Then it seems as if they have no leverage against management, and they can either support its practices or move on.

My point was that "just quitting" has been shown to be the most effective tactic for forcing change with an apathetic management structure.

Yes, because clearly striking is a completely useless activity. Unions should just keep dutifully working while quietly requesting what they are seeking and management will get right on it.

Honestly, I feel like if you brought the issue to everyone's attention, and they failed to act, you have two choices. You continue to write for them and give tacit approval to their inaction, or you move on to somewhere that supports the ideals you claim to hold.

Because clearly they do not give a shit.

I will frequently eat the basketball sized ones in one sitting. But I have recently relocated to the south, so :
1) They are frequently available on my commute home from work, fresh and cheap from roadside sellers
2) It is frequently hot as balls, necessitating consumption

Dude, I love watermelon to a psychologically (and physiologically) unhealthy degree.

Hey! I did this as a kid! Good times.

I also built some crazy capacitor bank tasers and a rocket launcher bazooka.

With that attrition of thousands of people just being "the cost of business"?

It just appears that the hospital refused to do it for her. She could go elsewhere.You can demand that a hospital do something a certain way, no reason they have to, though. Sounds like it turned into a dickwaving match between both of them. She wants her choice validated by them (or by the courts), they don't want to

Because many see that as handwaving away blame, and turning it into some sort of freak phenomenon, instead of a group of people deciding to end nearly 300 lives.

I find it hard to envision a right wing science blog. With guest columnist Ken Ham, on dinosaur saddle design?


That video image makes her look like a manakin.

So where did the sarin rocket warehouse come from?

>I like the idea

Spam in a can.