
>get kids to like vegetables by actually learning to cook decently

Also note is is no way in burnable condition. It's full of sap and needles, and is wet and green. It will take aging and storage in a dry place before it is useful for anything.

You do realize they are taking a religious festival that is important to people, stripping the meaning out of it, and presenting it for YAY FUN PICTURES. FAMILY FUN COLLLORRRSSSSS


You do recognize the doctor isn't paying anything, it's the hospital's insurance? So moves to punitively extract do nothing towards that aimed goal, and you would be better served trying to ensure policy change, instead of trying to "punish" mistakes.

Oftentimes it's that doctor's appointment that is keeping that baby alive in spite of their mentally ill or addict parents. The nursery ward in this NICE city is FULL of babies trying to come down from their mother's addiction. That call is the difference at least once a week between a dead baby in the obituary

Jesus. Is anyone else annoyed about *stuck peltier junction to ________* being hailed far and wide? We have had these devices for years and years. Your minifridge has used them for years and years. We have used them in spacecraft since the sixties.

Because nothing in medicine is ever 100% effective, ever? Almost nothing mankind has ever invented works 100% of the time.

So charge them with murder.

Because people like grubbing around in the dirt and petty power struggles more.

Color me SHOCKED.

Then why are you on this article? Go buy a thermostat.

It's the fact that you have a programmable device with internet connectivity, meaning anytime they want to add features it's just some coding and an update. It already integrates with their smoke detector, and other devices are in the pipeline.

Or you, know, it could meet the legal definition used it court. But don't let your feelings get in the way. It's not a catchall for OMG THIS IS TERRIBLE, it's a specific ruling meant to quash random class-motivated related violence.

>start a fire with the fire starting tool you've brought along, as well as a knife

Are you new to the internet?