
I have no suitable verbal reaction to this post. Just......... what?

It means one of the four horsemen has ridden forth. Soon.... Brawndo.

You must not work in the corporate world.

We are seriously arguing about kangaroo courts and an Australian?

I mean..... He's Austrailian.

There's no such things as rights in general. There are things you can do without consequence in a given environment, and things that carry consequences from your peers. Some environments vary. That's it.

I thought we just established that it DID work? Or are we not talking about Switzerland anymore?

The middle of summer is not exactly primetime for laptop deals.

I see one confirmed case. I see an allegation, and an unveiling of illegal activity. Again, unless you can drag it out in the light with a specific example, I'm not really going to buy it as wholesale exploitation, as you are making it out to be.

Prove it does. You can't prove a negative. If it was (just like as when it was doing bullshit levels of spying) it would come out, at the very least by the people they ripped off. You can't make the same claim about china. People are very, very vocal about industrial espionage and trade secrets getting violated.

Well, how can I argue with that airtight argument?

Again, I don't disagree that it is used to further national agendas. Just not the agendas of specific companies.

We know this. But no technology related to treatment has been introduced. It's fine and dandy to make diagnosing it early easier with a penlight (eyeroll), but heralding it as cure is ridiculous bullshit.

Because espionage is not the same thing as industrial espionage. The NSA spies on people. Full stop.

Diagnosing != curing.

A ton of punks do, with the rise in popularity of MMA.

What is your fixation on sex? Is that the only interaction you can imagine with women?

I would hope the context of the comment my response was directed to might shed some light.

I doubt you have the personal injury attorneys taking out superbowl ads promising anyone who ever was even possibly near something money with no work required.

I don't know.... if I am manufacturing a pain pill that can possibly make you dizzy you bet your butt I'm going to make a patient damn well aware that I'm not responsible if they get behind the wheel against my advice.