
The irony is that the early church held on to most of those isolationist tenants. It got more and more liberal as the proselytizing kicked in, and more and more was modified, jettisoned, or ignored to get into as many cultures as possible. Now it has holidays where are mostly repurposed pagan or other source holidays,


Depends on your viewpoint. I see a lot of the New Testament as

The internet is run by cats.

A plastic storage disc is not a functioning electronic circuit.

>too much dairy

Milk Solidarity!

Herp a derp but I don't want to get bulky!


I loved these books until, with creeping horror, I realized he was the mary sue to end all mary sues.

It is broken . The vast majority of botnets are made of out of date machines like this. Leaving a computer like this connected to the web is like leaving an abandoned building out in a downtown area to rot. It's the internet equivalent of urban blight.

That is exactly what I am saying. Third party antivirus cannot fix exploits in your base operating system. Sooner or later, if it isn't already, your machine will be compromised.


Ironically, if they get hacked, and user data is compromised, they'll have a big old lawsuit since continuing to use it past this point is considered negligence with regard to data security. Heck, in the medical field: "Starting on April 8, any health organizations still running Windows XP will be noncompliant with

Because expecting a company to task a team of engineers to support a piece of software that hasn't been sold in years is ridiculous?

Dude, there are people out driving cars right now that were being born when this came out. Let go.

They are also no longer patching security holes or exploits.

....but I only use it for surfing the web being part of a botnet.

Surely, old, tenured dinosaurs don't tend to overvalue their time.

I'm sure it is a bright, shining spot on a map of infected computers.