
It's not invalidating someone to point out they are embracing shitty customs, ideals, and values.

We do it with racists, misogynists, and public figures all the time.

A dude may make Auschwitz jokes with his Jewish girlfriend all the time, and she thinks it's funny and endearing. He is still a shitbag. This is still

"Man bashing".

FFS, protect the poor men! We have it so bad!
I was merely implying putting ANY assumption either way was unfounded.


I hate those "inspirational" posters that say things like "I deserve a boyfriend/girlfriend that....... yadda yadda yadda"


Same exact thing. You control your partner, that is an unhealthy relationship.

If you tell your partner you don't like something, or it makes you uncomfortable; that's fine. Heck, if you say "If you do this I'll leave you." that's fine.

It's the difference between boundaries and rules. One implies you are in a

Well, she was.

Can we stop using the "troll" banner for anyone who steadfastly disagrees with us? It's becoming ridiculous.

That doesn't really work either. Neither of us know him. He could be beating her black and blue. You can't really make a judgement that he's a good person. All we have to go on is a shitty statement. Spare us the theatrics.

Shakira's agency affect more than just Shakira. Actively participating in harmful attitudes gives them your stamp of approval and reinforces them, harming everyone.

Reducto ad absurdum.

It was not him "preferring" it. It was him forbidding it.
If she said she didn't do those types of videos out of respect for her spouse I'd be fine. But that wasn't the case. The way it went down removes her choice in the matter. This is the big deal.
He dictated that she cannot do it.
Which implies

>any vag with a vendetta

"If the stable provider relationship she has causes her to take a punch every now and then, but on the overall she likes it, what's the problem?"

See the issue here? This very attitude, whether she's "happy" with it or not, is helping continue abusive attitudes and relationship modelling in the world.

A child bride may

If you validate your relationship through insecurity and control of your partner, you are a shitty person. Full stop.

If you cloak it in "cultural norms" or "tradition" you are a disingenuous, shitty person who probably recognizes the cognitive dissonance of what you profess to believe and what you do.

If you defend

That's not a compelling argument


"His insecurity is just so masculine. I love it."

So commenters once again corrected the person authoring the piece, but they left the incorrect text intact because it's sounds more exciting?

Shockingly, weak people let people subjugate them. News at 11.

OK. Cast=/= forged. Think of a cake. You can pour the ingredients together and bake it, but without the extra step of mixing it, introducing the air, the texture is off and your cake sucks.
In the same way, forging distorts the crystalline structure of the metal, imparting specific properties. It's not about the

I wish I could star this a thousand times.