
One has a cheap, effective test for impairment and one doesn't?

"while countries with rates above 15% were considered to

So you can arbitrarily decide whether something is necessary or not by just declaring it so statistically. Cool, I guess we don't need doctors anymore.


He hyperbolically implied the antivaxxers were the people as the home birth people. You asked for evidence, and a greek chorus pointed to data that, yeah, the same sort of antiscience people flock together. Then you say that's not what you are asking, you need evidence that they are exactly the same (in the

....But you are treating the possibility of a surgical scar with equal weight as the death of your freaking child.

I do know this, in fact, I was quoting you. It's cool that you can be deliberately obtuse about hyperbole in comments on the internet.

>Jezebel getting laughed at for yet again posting internet rumor and viral stunts as fact

I wonder how many times it can happen before you hire people with the qualifications to back the material they comment on?

You know an "exact overlap" is an impossible statistical claim to meet, so you demand it in all cases so you can still be "right".

So you are cool with doubling the chance of your baby dying because of your personal feelings? Cool.

But it once again boils down to accepting more risk to placate your personal discomfort with the current practices of modern medicine. Tell me how this is different than vaccine rejection.

Now you are just moving the goalposts when someone brought a gun to a knifefight, in the form of data.

Nope. You don't get to add arbitrary qualifications to still try to stay on top when you have data that directly flies in the face of your claim.

Also, full CG miniseries in 1988? LOLNO

.......but you already were. You don't get to make your point and then use the caveat at the end to walk away from any negative reaction.


Garden variety bigotry and prejudice gets thrown out by people as "Religion" by ingrates too moronic to even know their own scripture.

Political issues that have no relation to one's own religious practice are preached from the pulpit to the masses of retarded

It sounds like my daily job.

>problem arises

Because mixing up heroin and heroine is a really good way to spot morons.

Plus, TONS of words are gendered, even moreso in languages other than English. Our language looks downright egalitarian by comparison to Spanish.

Because in one of the situations, she gets autonomy without the say of a male.