
Doesn't make much sense. If the components are good enough to steal, usually the frame is definitely worth stealing/keeping intact. I've never heard of/seen a bike frame cut to defeat a lock. Locks are way easier to break/cut/pry than a frame.

Extra parts bolted to my bike? No thanks.

Wait, are you implying the thief would cut the bike frame?

Fun Fact: I used to work for Big Red Telecommunications Company during the launch of the iPhone on their network and most versions that came after. The iMessage launch was absolute hell for all involved. It got so much worse when people were upgrading and going to Android devices.

Seems like a nonexistent company waiting for Google to take the bait so they can get a settlement or get bought out. No content. Just a bullshit placeholder that still actually has lorem ipsum in place of actual content.

Was that video filmed with a potato?

Well, it's not a "product" at all. It's an installation. Alyson Shotz is an artist. Put your pitchfork away. You're scaring the children.

Think of the children!

Oh hey, that's the place that the naked dude with a shotgun visited and shot up some of their cars.

Front flips have been around for a long while. They're old news. The trick in the article is a very different trick than any you're referencing. Not only is the rider and bike flipping but the bike also does another flip independent of the rider.

While that is a road bike, that's not really a road biker. That's Danny MacAskill. I'm positive he sold his soul to the devil of trials riding for all the absurd skill he has in his pinky.

Or you know, they can go to intelligent route and sell on both platforms and get money nonstop from multiple platforms.

Of "all the things I am expected to do" while driving a vehicle, I think I put "don't kill someone in something more vulnerable than your SUV" at the top of my list. That's just me. That's my driving style. As a cyclist, I make it a point to not get killed by following the rules and doing what I can. This doesn't do


Yeah, I didn't get their point. I guess it was like, "omg expensive stuntz." But I got that from the guy on a segway in every one and the part where he hucks around a 650hp car for fun.

I love this one. So good.

Ditto. There are probably maybe 2 or 3 in existence.

I like how they highlight "unlimited use." At some point someone said, "so what're we gonna do about eKey expiration? First 100 unlocks are $1.99 but $1 per extra set of 25?"

Bummer, I won't be crawling in until Friday morning. Turn 15, here I come.