
I think that's the point though. I've clicked that notification away a million times as well but I think the idea is to have people be a tad bit more accountable for what they say and not have the comments section be of the quality you would find on a local news website. (Somehow, just somehow, YouTube comments manage

Unfortunately, your issue with having to wait 20 minutes even though you had an appointment is due to folks like Mike_TO knowing for a fact that their issue is much more important than yours and demanding to be seen immediately.

Repeat after me, "I am not more important than other customers just because I see my situation as 'urgent.'"


The Texan Arrogance Clause states that we can and will talk shit about anything and everything Not-Texas. Validity of statements is not guaranteed.

Don't worry, I'm in Texas and share a similar dislike of Florida.

I guess this is a solid reason for me to finally move to Austin.

Easily the most awesome/terrifying sound a combat aircraft makes.

Often what people do at that point would be to force their device to mimic another one that is getting the app so the checker that automatically disqualifies your Nexus 10 will think it's something else. That can be done only after rooting.

New New York is already here!

New New York is already here!

Their dealerships are no better. Not even in a standard gonna lie to you to make a sale sort of way. They're just horribly misinformed about the most basic stuff. I'm sure if you mentioned something about the Mercedes V6 engine picture, they'd make some shit up about a being sister companies.

Today in fixing shit that didn't need fixing: this bike.

I am also in favor.

Mine is picking and choosing who gets iMessages and who doesn't at random. Getting really annoying in that "this is just supposed to work" sort of way. It will go through via SMS but if I'm falling back on the network to handle my messaging, what's the point of iMessage at all?

This is actually the reason this all happened. People started treating their devices as home internet replacements. I saw hundreds of gigs on some accounts. Somehow, most of the people whining about losing unlimited were usually the people that used 1.5GB on average per month

I agree. There's just something about it. I think it's just this nice contrast to the black parts without being gaudy and maintaining a traditional look. (See: Goldpagne, 5C, etc)

I tried to Swype on my new iPhone and got really sad the second time I tried to Swype the same word when it didn't do it the first time.

eeevil shenanigans!

Hey everyone, just so it's clear, Neesh here is the boss of everyone. I'm not sure if this is a fact or not but he seems to play the part well so let's just go with it.