
Drivers are often held liable for having brights on at night when they aren't necessary as they cause vision issues for drivers in opposing lanes. Chrome coats are dumb. Just like tinted out tail lights.

Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

This is a clear cut case of common consumer "THAT CAMERA IS BIGGER AND HAS ONE OF THOSE BIG LENSES SO IT MUST BE BETTER" thought process.

What the hell are you on about?

Correction: Once you go through ANY room with a UV light...

I've done some stuff, man.

Man, I bet you're loads of fun at parties.

That's what I was thinking too when the ABC aerial footage was going on. They were zooming in on that area and the sea wall was almost definitely struck. The debris field doesn't even start a few feet after, it started at the very edge. Craziness.

He was presenting it as fact. I didn't see anything wrong with the way CarnicalofBowls corrected him. By calling him a tool, you're the one being a tool.

Sounds about right. No mobile carrier guarantees coverage inside of any building.

Oh this is gold.

Check under the sink, some of the hose is getting caught on a pipe or one of the water flow knobs.

Then you continue to wash your dishes the old fashioned way like the rest of us underprivileged scum.

Visit Park Tool's website if you want useful bike maintenance info.

I feel the same about YouTube.

I reserve that method for spiders and spiders only.

Yeah, same here. I can't shake it.

Once upon a time I worked somewhere where people called me all day about their device behaving stupidly. Sometimes it would relate to broken charge ports. Those claims for warranty service are always rejected. This puts way too much stress on both your USB port and the charge port for any device. Looking at their

It's capitalized so you know he means business.

I honestly feel like they would get way more if they reconsidered that moronic price.

I'm hoping someone comes up behind you and wipes and sanitizes the whole thing. Pod boning and pod self boning are unavoidable if no ones keeping an eye on them.