
If it was a white actor, the media would have more or less ignored it completely unless there was sexual harassment/assault involved.

I felt the first one was laughably vague...A boxy body shape with flat appearing vertical side and rear body panels ending at about the same height as the hood;”

I would go out of my way to dress it back up like a Jeep with Geep badging.  

FCA needs to lay off the lawyers and get the engineers to work on a smaller, simpler, cheaper mini-Wrangler if they think this is a market worth going after.

You realize how WW84 was a commentary about Trump and how Trump now has all the power. He gets what he wants and no one stops him. He’s ruining the world. Then Wonder Woman’s speech on how what matters most is the truth. This is a response to Trump’s alternate reality and use of the phrase, fake news. 

who did it worse? GM or the Chinese company?

I actually got to stand next to a new Ford Ranger the other day. I was shocked at how huge it was. Apparently Ford is more interested in selling the trucks it wants to sell than listening to people and building a truck they want to buy.

The best part is how absolutely useless they are for hauling anything in the beds. With those over-sized cabins eating into the bed as manufacturers try to position them for family comfort. I was buying lumber the other day, shoving a bunch of lumber into the back of my Forester, just some six and 8ft boards and all

I dislike EA but I don’t see this really mattering much. Racing games are a dying breed and have more status now as a niche similar to flight simulator games.

To be fair, most truck owners don’t actually use them as trucks, don’t need a truck, and only want one to look tough or tow a trailer once every five years. So, does it really matter if it fully functions as a truck if it’s never used as a truck? (Don’t get me wrong, like all Teslas, the Cybertruck is hideous.)

If she had been in Ragnarok, she would've just been unceremoniously murdered, so I call that a win.

The point is to like what your armor looks like....

I’d love a semi-translucent orange Series X and an atomic purple PS5.

It’s more that HBO management is fucking this up, ignoring a 30% market share, which more than doubles the market share of the next competitor, the Amazon Fire Stick. Estimating 400 million connected devices in the US alone, that’s 120 million to Amazon’s estimated 40 million devices.
To further the short sightedness

He'd make a great Wildcat.

After seeing the pictures, David Tracy is now on his way to Indiana with a pocket full of cash.

I blame the 1994 Dodge Ram for this.

“Uhhh... Nice truck, sorry about your dick.”

 They know who their target market is: Men with small penises.

I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between the UFC gif. and the normal adds on this site.