
This article should say, “Your longtime crush, Melanie Lynskey,” but I guess there’s more of an audience than just me.

Absolutely, I’d greatly prefer the game on the 3 discs versus download only. I disconnect from the internet whenever I get a new game to avoid the updates. I will not be buying MW2.

What do you think the overlap in the Venn diagram is between video game players that talk about how difficult games shouldn’t have easy modes (and probably use cheese strata to get through said difficult games) and players complaining about skill based matchmaking that reveals they aren’t as good as they think.

I hope no one knows who I am through my kinja account. The last thing my constituents need is more ammunition against their Prime Minister. 

Its freedom phone 2.0. 100% this is a Raspberry Pi board based terminal that probably costs $50 in parts that they will sell for $500. It will connect to a server of questionable content where people self incriminate themselves. All of the normal features: news service/ /youtube/Android app compatibility, will come

A streaming box? YES! A social network? YES! A series of end-to-end encrypted portals? YES! A store now to pimp your merch? YES!

This is some breathtaking grift. It threads the needle between “idiots dreaming of a conservative utopia” and “mildly technical Roganbro” beautifully. Chances are that they won’t deliver anything and will disappear into the ether with a few hundred grand. Should the product actually see the light of day, though, it is

So it’s a web portal, presumably mass produced in Shenzhen like everything else, with presumably a custom built android interface, that will directly interface with the thousands of existing servers on the world wide web that they denounce as a bad thing, how exactly is this going to be more secure than anything else?

OK’d by Florida and presided over by PO—S T—-p.

“Pickups are good in the snow.”

I saw Mystery Men in the theater and have always been fond of it. It’s not a classic, and it’s not very deep, and the effects have aged like week-old guacamole. But it’s a very silly movie with a terrific cast that really committed themselves to the project, and sometimes that’s enough.

Sometimes a dumb movie nails being dumb and that is exactly why people love it. I’ve heard people say the same thing about Pineapple Express and while every singly criticism is true I just don’t see how it matters when the movie’s only goal was to be mindless entertainment for inebriated adults and it absolutely nails

At least give William H. Macy kudos for delivering this line absolutely deadpan serious:

I have to stop. Writing bad things about Mystery Men is too easy, which I wish that wasn’t the case. I wish watching the film again revealed something new, something interesting, something fun. But it did not. Instead, I was left enraged that this film, with this level of talent, turned out as poorly as it did.

For me, what’s enjoyable about the movie is the ridiculous “superheroes” and how much they suck - a man who gets angry and doesn’t transform or anything, a guy who throws forks, and a guy with a shovel. Like, that’s the main trio and they add a guy who can fart, a guy who can become invisible when nobody is watching,

I adore MM.

Theoretically we have a thing called ‘double jeopardy’ in our Constitution. THEORETICALLY.

Optics aside, “Slave 1" never really worked for me as a name since it just doesn’t sound like a name for a ship in Star Wars or anywhere else.