
Hot take, but I blame Streamers solely for this. And this is coming from Destiny 2, where the PVP sandbox has been dumped and changed so many times to placate streamers, that it has sucked the fun out of PVP altogether.

KonaN the Carbarian 

I think it would be kinda cool if you could walk into a store with qr codes next to the item prices so that you could see customer reviews and such through AR glasses. Or if you're at a museum, there might be an interactive feature for those with AR glasses. But I think Google lens tried that. 

Six times? What the actual fuck is wrong with this world. 

Ya know, I really want to believe that this was an accident. And maybe it was. But at a certain point you have to ask yourself, why is violence the only answer the guys have for anything? Resist arrest? TASER. Talk back? TASER. Breathe in your own car? TASER! I don't feel bad for anyone who's immediate response to a

Think of your average Dungeons and Dragons party meets DC Comics. 

This show is life. Or something like it. 

Yeah the last part of that clip seemed to be a bit like modern family or the office. 

Oh I don’t believe it was the success of platform. That’s folly. But it’s more mismanagement of the platform. The idea in theory sounds good. But execution was terrible. 

Wait, I've been seeing ads for Dummy for a while now. You mean to tell me that didn't drop when the service was released? No wonder it's failing. 

Real talk, Kop Karen needs to return to her precinct, home office, whatever, turn in her badge and gun and resign with some grace and dignity. She needs to put out a video apologizing for this shit and find a career where she won’t be so afraid to order food.

Let me tell you about Kop Karen. I don’t know her

I wonder how many companies will stay in the Bio-medical field after this. Funny how Bioware started out in that field and moved into gaming. Also..

Honestly? The answer is two-fold. First, Hello Games is desperately trying to win back the good will it asked so many players, myself included, to give it. I’d say they more than earned it back. The second thing though might not be as obvious. Developers/Publishers make more than they want you to think. Helps that

We drive. Everywhere. Being from Texas, we’re adjusted to long trips in the car. So for us, the travel time is factored into the trip and we kind of see the drive as part of the vacation. Gives us time to talk, reconnect, and fall in love again, all while making plans and getting excited for the destination. And as

The issue comes from people feeling there is a price disparity between a $10 expansion and a $10 Cosmetic armor. Either the Cosmetic set is over valued or the Expansion was undervalued. Based on how lackluster Shadowkeep has been in comparison to Forsaken, I’d have to say its the former.

Personally, I wish the price

Aside from just never be rude/don't be a dick, my personal rule is never be rude to a person who prepares your food. Just don't. 

If I recall, HEB has an Ethnic section, but has a lot of different counties. Quite a bit of it is from England. There are Asian and middle eastern foods there too. Honestly it helps me when I shop because everything I'm looking for when I cook middle eastern meals is in one place. I can see how it's seen as racists

Well we have vastly different tastes. Oat Crunch Cinnamon is the definitive Cheerio to me. I love Cinnamon with a passion and the oat/cheerio mix has a nice glazing to it that tastes wonderful. Not too sweet, it’s a great evening snack or breakfast. I have been interested in the Blueberry one. I do love me some Boo

That was my issue with Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. They tried to innovate with the air supply mechanic and a few others, but I just wanted more Borderlands. I got about a hour in and got tired of trying to juggle an additional mechanic for the sake of difficulty or making something feel new. This is Borderlands. I

Destiny 2 Comp?!? That’s your shining beacon of Elite gaming?!? Excuse me while I die laughing. Comp in D2 is laughable at best. We all know there isn’t a real comp in the game Besides most of these dad builds won’t get a player past getting Recluse. If you’re that good, which you might be but I'm doubting it, it