
“Whoops! There go all those guitar lessons you took as a kid!”

I say the snoots. If the parents have the money and spend it, that’s cool. Maybe they’ll get more into photography and end up using more of the options. It’s easier to learn a tool when it’s in your hand.

Step three: if your knowledge of how to use a DSLR mode dial makes you feel superior to people who are new to DSLRs, post about it in the comments section to feel better about yourself.

I feel the same way about video games. There’s something deeply satisfying about having the collection neatly sorted by console and genre and there to physically peruse whenever I’m looking to replay an old favorite. It’s a shame they’ve done away with thick manuals filled with art, though. Nowadays you’re lucky to

Physical copies of movies and TV shows. I don’t care if they’re always on netflix or if it makes more sense to start buying them digitally, I like owning movies I enjoy and putting them on a shelf (in their proper order, and so help me god if you start mixing them up).

i couldn’t care less about DC’s current slate of movies, but if Batman was squatting atop a sportscar that was racing down the street in MY hometown, i’d pee my pants. Just a little.

Haha, a Transformers movie set on Cybertron means Hasbro won’t have to pay car companies to use their vehicles and logos.

I was watching Episode 3 of Daredevil last night, and got to wondering (a) who the fight choreographer is and (b) what other movies/shows he’s working on. Turns out his name is Philip J. Silvera, and he’s currently working as fight choreographer for a little film called Deadpool (and did the same for the sample

You stole this from Cracked...

Dweebs these days...

Hey, everyone. I found that guy no one invites to parties.

So Krypton clearly never got around to creating a “forgot my password” button...

Uhhhhh....What. Really, there’s a point where a job stops being a job and more of a way to pass time. When you’re 71 and a multi-millionaire, being “exploited” is inapplicable. You’re not stitching shoes together in a nike sweatshop for 4 cents an hour, you’re a voice actor making hundreds of thousands of dollars an

I had to stop myself from making the same joke because I didn’t think it would work, what with heart & dark being exchanged.

“I could probably take a guess, but it would just be a shot in the dark.”

I could probably take a guess, but it would just be a shot in the dark.

Harley looks like she came out of The Warriors, maybe from a roller derby gang. She really need rollerskates to complete the look.

Along with half my socks and youthful appearance.

My keys discovered invisibility years ago.

Cool and creepy. Slowing down and speeding up light locally is massively cool. Invisible shit just means we’re going to lose things lol.