Ms Anthrope

You nailed it again - for some reason, Australians are particularly susceptible to that delusion of intent, they love the whole “I wasn’t actively thinking a racist slur when I did/said/drew the racist thing, therefore it’s not racist and actually, YOU’RE the racist for making it about race” routine.

Tertiary neuro-syphilis will do that.

“Patches” - DEAD :P

What’s funny is how desperate Donnie Jr is for his daddy’s approval...

Dominance dewlaps :P

I’m pretty sure she’s actually getting uglier every time she lies now...like if Pinocchio was made of dying sourdough starter.

“Drink a pumpkin spiced latte and pretend to work out”

It’s an attempt to obfusticate what they’re saying for plausible deniability, because they’re smart enough to know they’re not supposed to say the shady shit out loud, but they’re so stupid they can’t actually hold an idea in their mind while also composing a sentence to describe it indirectly...

I think because it’s very obvious that Dro is running some shady-ass game and to monogamous people that automatically equates to him lying about being open - I don’t doubt the open relationship, but having been around that block a few times I suspect that he’s pushing the boundaries of said relationship WAYYY further

Lordy, I DID forget about Strom Thurmond’s nasty asbestos-looking ass getting exposed as a deadbeat dad....

For what it’s worth, I feel like your hypothesis would explain why nobody is interested in actually trying to disprove it...

Nope, he knows exactly who he’s dealing with and he’s well aware of their recent upgrade from polonium to Novichok...

Uh-oh you guys, we hurt the white guys feelings - better stop now, he’s going to call the cops in a minute :P

Do you like butter and fruit, but feel like you should be eating healthier and are willing to trade flavor and enjoyment for some nutrient-rich mush with the faint aroma and mouthfeel of gelatinised vegan semen?

Nope, I’ve noticed a change too - particularly in the last month or so, where normally I could do a couple of searches for things I wanted/liked and then get a feed of mostly relevant suggestions, lately I’m having to look a lot harder for stuff that used to be recommended and my recommendations are full of junk from

And that is just classic Trump - too vain NOT to get the spray tan, too cheap and half-assed to bother buying some matching foundation to fill in the eyeholes. :P

That is the most accurate description of the ‘flavor’ of LaCroix I have ever read - all of the stars for you!

Are you seriously here trying to interpret the word ‘colonizer’ as racism? Don’t pop a disc with that reach, buddy...

Trump’s campaign associates are not Trump - the ravening base doesn’t give two shits whether Gates, Manafort or any Russians go to jail, they only care about their Dear Leader.

I am a government investigator and last year my department prosecuted the director of a wedding planning business for fraud - it took nearly three years from the first complaint to get her into court, purely because of the amount of evidence that needed to be collected, catalogued and reviewed by our legal team, along