Ms Anthrope

Picture any Fox News spokeslady. Now make her brunette and desperate enough to bang Don Jr...

It was - he managed his face well, but there’s a couple of seconds where you can see him being genuinely surprised by how fast that escalation was.

Do you think it counts as a ‘sincerely held religious belief’ if I beat someone’s ass specifically for the ancestors? Cause I’m so down to exercise some religious freedom with these hands right about now.

As if we needed more proof that the only real value inherent in “luxury” fashion brands is the fact that they allow the people buying them to feel smug about how poor people can’t afford them.

Great, now I have to binge-watch a whole new series cause Panama made me cry. 

Considering your abuse of punctuation and utter failure to comprehend anything close to the point...I’m guessing I should explain that your lack of understanding is only a reflection on YOUR shit-dribbling stupidity, not the original poster’s.

That girl’s beats are so fire she helped me lose weight, yo...

Ooooh, I live near that evil old hag’s church (yeah, she retired from tennis to become a pastor) and you can just BET I’mma be out there bright and early of a Sunday morning with a HUGE sign when Serena takes her record.

That is the look of a man who is constantly ripping silent farts and is never quite sure whether that warm feeling is follow-through :P

I thought I was the only one who noticed Evert is still kind of salty on the subject of Serena...

I know the NSA just enhanced my surveillance for this, but take this star and my blessings, such as they are.

Did she draw those on...with a ballpoint pen?

Think about the amount of stupid it would take to be willing to spend money because some vapid reality-show attention-whore told you it would make you pretty....

Only because they need to keep the numbers up - let’s not pretend like the Christianists’ enthusiasm for POC extends past keeping the collection plates full.

Wasn’t she the one who screwed up somehow and ended up causing that murderer to get aquitted? Robert Durst?

Calling it a personality is a stretch, but I see what you did there. :P

If your God exists and he’s not out there smiting these assholes for being racist scumbags who laugh about stealing infants from their parents, he’s a fucking useless piece of shit and so are you.

Yep, those look like finger marks near his poor little eye - ADULT fingers, mind. 

No, he is cursed - he’s like a chef who can’t stop seasoning his food until he’s ruined the dish, because he wants it to be TOO perfect.

It is actually unsettling - his face is just expressionless.