Ms Anthrope

Well, she’s managed to produce a child with him, which I assume also involves stifling the horrified screaming while he takes his clothes off....

Not today, Satan....

Meh, if she choked to death on a cheese platter, I would be absolutely fine with that.

Seriously though, based on ALL of his other children, the weird lumpy nose, weak jawline and fish-lipped overbite appear to be the dominant Trump genes, so the question of how the fuq Barron ended up looking like a normal human being is intriguing.

I’m not going to lie, I cackled when I first saw this on TV, all like ‘suck it, colonisers’ :P

Exactly - she’s trying to stay low-key and not step on any toes while she figures out the royal fashion game...

I don’t know if it will be Sessions though...

Consider this your invitation to join him, then.

I love this so much - they have NO idea what a shitstorm Avenatti will be delighted to bring down on their heads, he’s just as good at working the media as he is at law and he seems to have made it his personal mission to ruin Trump’s life...

Give that intern a paid job, damnit.

You’re the first one who should be locked up with him, too.

You see where the dude who is trying to justify MURDER is coming from but you’re a condescending prick to people who aren’t willing to try and ‘understand’ him?

I stopped paying any attention to Jim Carrey when he decided that his looney-tunes ex-girlfriend knows more about vaccines than actual medical science, so let’s just make sure he’s had his shots before anyone starts talking about inviting him to the cookout.

It really does look like he’s trying to replicate what he thinks a smile would look like after having the concept explained to him by an alien.

I came for Petty Drake but I will die for Petty Tendergrass :P

Yeah, I don’t know about y’all, but I kept a real close eye out as to which people in my neighborhood had their little Trump yard signs up and their MAGA hats out...

I hope this is a joke.

Nailed it - that magazine cover is literally the best Maggie Gyllenhaal has ever looked and she is still fairly average next to Newton and Bassett.

It really is, isn’t it? Ever since Victorian times, upper-class white girls have been expected to strive to look like they had consumption, as thin, pale and delicate as possible...

OMG, they look exactly like I imagined, right down to the weak facial hair and shitty dye jobs :P