Yay! I found the “flu is worse” guy!
Yay! I found the “flu is worse” guy!
Fuck off with the sanctimonious posturing.
Thanks Obama.
All the NASCAR fans will blame the Democrats for the change.
I’ve been married to the same woman 51 years this next August, hows about a restoration?
You forgot having every prying eye, sticking their grubby fingers all over it trying to look inside or dragging their belt-loop-hung keys on the body as they walk around it.
You forgot the direct correlation between how hard you hit the steering wheel with your palm to the likelihood that the car might actually start.
Also this coach building thing is basically exactly trickle down economics. There are now a handful of people with a cool job of restoring/modding/building from a kit. I’m not mad I can’t afford it, I’m happy it exists.
Yes we do.
You can argue about trickle down economics all you want in every industry EXCEPT cars.... because here’s what happens to these:
1. We can’t afford them. Rich millionaires do.
2. Now we have a beautiful divergent path. this rich millionaire now is NOT competing for the original 1975 on craigslist, which they…
But those windows! We can’t have nice things like that anymore in this terrified age.
I don’t know if anything you wrote is true but the explanation is long and has percentages, so here’s your star.
There are two things made obvious by your comment.
Proof that a company can’t survive financially just on cosplay.
next customer is Saudi Arabia, so they can classify decapitations as accidents...
VC money provided by prosthetic manufacturing firms.
Given the aesthetic I think you could go with NASA emblems