TRON on ice

Man Utd makes that much from Chevy because there’s a market for it. And shirt sponsorships tend to run only a few seasons before the next deal comes along. (FYI, the Chevy CMO was fired after this deal was approved.)

Man Utd makes that much from Adidas because regardless of brand identity, Man Utd moves shirts and

“unless you have an internal dry-dock that can accommodate a 60-footer”

yes, because there have already been arrests made


Now I may be a simple country chicken, and you may not appreciate this out there in the big city, ensconced in your concrete temples of earthly pleasures and profit, but here in America’s Heart Land, we know how to do things The Right Way. All Things. We know what privacy really means, just as well as we know how best


As a Poli Sci grad you say, “Do you want fries with that burger?”

Finally! A forum for me to air my humble opinion on anchovies:

But underneath the makeup, Iggy’s just a Wayans brother though, no?

Its actually a penalty in the NHL.. 2 minutes in the box

He said he was initially shaken by the incident and in a bit of shock, but since he wasn’t injured, he decided not to let it ruin his powder day.

If Seth is telling the truth that he was thrown at least 20 feet then we can rule out Peyton Manning as a suspect.

To be clear, the skier’s mistake was tossing the boarder when the lift was that close to the ground.

The snowboarder fell on his ass, but there were no injuries reported. The snowboarder attributed avoiding injury due to the fact that he’s on his ass more than half the day anyways.

Looks like the bandwagon evacuation plan was enacted.

Yeah, but he doesn’t have a problem getting paid to win though, does he. What a hypocrite.

12. Mace Windu redirected the Force lightning back at him.

Dude this is Deadspin. It’s not cool to actually care about the game.

Nothing worse than seeing a former teammate, leader, and inspiration leaving a trail of tears as he walks out the door, one Blackfoot following the other.