
GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!

You know who doesn’t deserve to be there? Alabama. That’s right, Ala-fuckin—bama. They couldn’t even win their division, yet they deserve a shot at the Natty? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Crack pipe

Exactly. The typical GM $20 interior will bring the price way down.

yep. I pasted the wrong link. The link for the manual is below:

You’ll have to pry my B5 S4 from my cold dead hands.

They actually use those at Disney here in Orlando to shuttle guests around the resort. There is a fleet of them.

I did. 1993 Z28. The optispark was complete shit. I had to replace it twice and decided that was enough and replaced the car. I haven’t had a problem with the optispark since then.

Ford took the “Flip Over Read Directions” gag too far when they designed the Bronco II pos.

Trump won because he’s not a politician. It was a chance for a lot of pissed off people to give a big “fuck you” to the system.

They’re the same crap as all of the other GM turds cars turds.

Watts the problem?

Did you escape from Jezebel?

Thank you.

It was probably an HF model.

Can confirm.

Bullshit. It absolutely is a derogatory term used by Hispanic people to describe anybody of Asian decent.

Send his ass back to Cuba

Let me start by stating that I’m not defending this bullshit deal at all. I don’t work for a utility company but I do work in the electrical industry.