
I own 2 B5s and I have talked a couple of friends out of buying similar cars. If you can’t do your own work they have the potential to bankrupt you.

So I’m reading thru the comments and, holy shit, a lot of them were fired in my direction. I am a glutton for punishment but I don’t want your sympathy. Why should there be any sympathy for enjoying fun cars? I have a 2001 S4 (modded to Stage 3+), 2001 A4, 2000 Boxster S, 74 MG Midget & 69 MG CGT. The S4 and Boxster

at the end of the day, the SRT4 is still a Neon

“Are we, as a collective group of consumers, now really that dumb?”

Dammit! That was my second guess.

Get back in your Camry and GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!

Because guys with small dicks only buy big trucks.

I’m so glad that car is in North Carolina. I have always loved these stupid cars, I almost bought one new way back when. Its just far enough away to make it a huge inconvenience. I don’t have any more space in the garage or driveway and I am a car hoarder.

The parents will probably hire some asshole lawyer and sue the track.

Sorry. He’s not a hunter, he’s a piece of shit that shoots animals for trophies. Hunters do not do what this asshole did.

No. But that has nothing to do with this. As I said it is driven daily to and from work ad around town. The days of a sports car only being a play toy are long gone.

Incorrect. My Porsche is a daily driver.

It’s now up to $8,900. Getting up to the normal price range for nice 944 turbos. It’ll be a $10k car before all is said and done.

“ran when parked”

Just remember one thing. There’s no such thing as a cheap Porsche.