
Exact same boat. I had been considering getting the family plan but this change leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I get having restrictions on free versions of services but making drastic cuts to functionality to force existing users to upgrade seems like a bad idea. I imagine that a majority of Lastpass users are aware

“kids these days.” ~Every Previous Generation Ever


Kids these days

I don’t think you know what homeopathy is. Frankly, reading official materials on it is difficult because it is so absurd.

Homeopathy is the Kleenex of bulltshit alternative medicine.

Vitamins are not homeopathy.

/s ?

Not All Phlebotomists

On Android, Hangouts is the equivalent. i get sms messages, hangout messages, and voicemail transcripions across all my devices.Its not the default due to the nature of Android and manufactures making their own messaging apps.

Browsing recent reviews on the Play Store drives the point the ES screwed up. Ads in free aps is a delicate balance. Hopefully enough of their user base is savey enough to make this change sting.

ES free added some shady adds and tried to trick you into enabling it by offering “Power Boost”. Power Boost claims to increase charging speed by 20% which is absurd. There are reports of disabled pins, ads on lock screen, and ads overtop of alarms.

Have cheaper things and more time to use them.

Why would consumers want one definitive size? Obviously there are people quite happy carrying a Note 3 on a belt clip and feel the additional screen realestate is worth it. There are people that want the smallest phone and are ok with less battery. Choice is much better than one manufacture telling us what the

OSX: Tygra

I have long enjoyed the "OK, you're right". Either the person is so obtuse that they don't realize your backhanded slight or they are infuriated that they can't get you to argue anymore.



Obviously not and no one has suggested that such idiotic things happen. There is obviously a line somewhere as to how realistic of a "replica" weapon can be allowed on a plane.

Checked as opposed to carry on. They examined it and told her it would have to be checked luggage.