M1k3y_ThE LiVing PlaneT

She keeps getting lighter and lighter with each interview...

Late addiction to State Of Decay. Which for some reason I’m playing on my 360...which is resting on top of my Xbone.


So you googled it like everyone else...good job.

Eh...needed more celebrities.

Damn. Thats what that is? For me it wasn't a thing until today.

It may not be to YOU. It sure as shit is for the majority. And thats a sweet meme, you got there...


This is not a make history contest. Its a presidential election. Hillary is a corrupt oligarch. Let the shitting commence. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I have whatever you call the opposite of a boner right now. SJWs incoming...

As I recall, it was Bungie that started the “dev dairy”. They were mostly an informative and fun way to learn about a game as it went through development...mostly. They’re informercials now.

And he’s watching/recording her playing Pokemon at the same concert in the same place. Am I awake? Have I slept?

I feel the exact same way. But I would have never posted it. Respect.

In my more perfect world, everything is made of bacon.

It’s not ALL you could do but ok.

I’ve lived through every console generation except the original NES. This VR thing is like everything else in the beginning; a gimmick. They’re not suckering me in to early adopting again. Call me when Skyrim is running on these shits and I’ll buy in.

His fly is America. And when you figure that joke out, you’ll figure the streets out...

Why Bernie is not running as third party candidate is beyond me. Between his supporters and those that hate Hillary & Trump, he can't lose ! No Bernie, no vote.

How much does Hillary pay you to write this tripe?