
The Comicon INFINITY WAR Trailer has leaked online.

We're only 29 months away from having "The 20's" again.


"So many of the melodies of well-known popular songs were actually written by the Great Masters."

My Dad was a Paratweeter in WWII.

Excellent write-up, Franko!

And only a single pair of balls.

Game Of Thrones (HBO, 9 p.m.): The day George R.R. Martin fans have been waiting for has finally arrived: the kickoff of Thrones’ seventh and final outing.

Doctor Scott!

I immediately thought of that MTV series that had the cast member die.

Why would Tom Hiddleston have trouble fucking a horse?

And Dave Stewart took the $8000 they were advanced for studio time, bought some very cheap recording gear and a Roland Space Echo, and recorded the whole album at home.

A set piece in the last X-Men movie used it. And Sucker Punch as well.

Swan gets a car! And Ajax gets a car! All The Warriors get cars!

Pies are enjoying a resurgence in my neck of the woods, except they're the meat ones, which isn't probably what you meant.

The large sportsball arena I frequent just announced they'd be serving Poke.

White Spot Triple O, Motherfucker!

These people here? It's usually the soul.

No One Knew How Hot French Women Were!