
Is there like a big wheel that they spin when they're dropped off?

God, that was awful.

I watched the first episode of Breaking Bad on Netflix, after following Better Call Saul for its entire run.

Hey, lots of Canadians know that Pittsburgh is known for steel

I mentioned them in THIS thread!

"Thong… The fish is ready!"

I've still only watched the first two.

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


Threshold, with Carla Gugino.

Oh, Man… Surface!

I haven't seen Gimme Shelter in decades, but I think The Stones knew they were in deep shit by that time. A member of Jefferson Airplane had already been punched by one of the Angels, and nothing had been done.

"Migos removed from flight" read to me as "Wombats removed from flight", or "Nudibranchs removed from flight" because I am old and don't listen to popular music.

Dog Vomit.

I read that as James Hong taking off his shirt, and wondered what was up with you.

Man. The answer is Man.

No one knew Calgary was famous for its "Stampede" rodeo. (You hear that, Calgary?)

Are we supposed to know this "RA H" person? Because he seems antagonistic from the avatar up.

Great pop for Jushin “Thunder” Liger, who at 52 is still keeping up with wrestlers half his age

I cannot BELIEVE, based on that header pic, no one went with: