
Why does the last election in East Timor concern you?

Probably better than half of a giant clock.

"Oh! You came in through the FRONT door!"

"Walker told me I have AIDS."

When I was living in San Diego, the News reported something like 10,000 accident claims in the first few hours of a rainy day.

Kinja DOES have amazing deals!

I've found using filthier and filthier porn helps.

Word of advice, if you ever scrape the dean's car, don't tell him you're gonna pay him back in acting. On Thanksgiving, I'm supposed to crash his family dinner and accuse him of stealing my girlfriend.

The orange wedges represent Trump.

I would've gone with "Glass Houses, People!"

I'm old enough to have seen Jaws, Close Encounters, and E.T. in their original theatrical runs, so Spielberg will always be a "Genre" director to me.

113. Hoku's singles are ridiculously catchy.

Only one IMDB quote for (30.) Joe Santos.

With assistance from The Church!

Scott Bergeron has been working on a non-nutritive cereal varnish. It's semipermeable, it's not osmotic.

So Benadryl took out a restraining order?

It would be easier to not judge if he didn't look so much like the dog-shooting guy from The Leftovers.

Hello. I'm Mark Mbutu from the newly emerging African nation of Namibia, a former German colony located in southwest Africa. Namibia is an undeveloped nation, and we are appealing to you as world citizens.


♬♬ Baaaa dump-dump, dump, dump! Baaaa dump-dump, dump, dump!
Baaaaaaaaaa dump-dump, dump, dump! Baaaa dump-dump, dump, dump! ♬