
Why NOT bother celebrities?

I'm disappointed no one's done a paper bag. (Like the Ikea one).

The Sideways Malamute should not be attempted without first stretching.

Avatar/comment something.

A. A. Dowd gave it a C-

Was she a great big fat person?

It was headline news in Canada.


@Buzz does that too! I wonder if it's a Blackberry or Sidekick feature.


Real Time With Hitler!

Yeah, I'm going to go hang out in one of the TV Club Classics threads.

IRL he's rich and famous, not a delivery truck driver.

Fred Ward starred in The Right Stuff with Ed Harris

He'll buy that boat from that stupid boat catalog he's been making me look at for the last two months, and he will crash that boat off Catalina Island, and he will drown and die and seals will eat him!


"The Castle Arrrrggghhhh"?

Those stupid Godfather movies.

Clean-up crews are hard at work after a VH1 bus carrying reality show contestants overturned, spilling 2,000 pounds of highly concentrated slut.

Adolescent Jon thought he could catch 52 half-dollars in mid-air, but his hands were too small.