
Fuck YOU!

Her name is Zweig.

This article really makes me miss TV Club Classic!

Richard Kiel's "Jaws" character.


We're playing the Rickshaw Cabaret next Friday!

Tonight's Special Guest Star:

"Tell her I love her too!"

I specifically remember Robin Williams "mock signing" what Billy Crystal was saying in an old Comic Relief sketch.

I thing that…. I still surprised that…. PASS!


I watched the "Logan Noir" version when my Blu-ray arrived Tuesday!

I was treated yesterday to a little beaver …

Do you follow The Canon podcast? Or is this a crazy coincidence?

Go sit in the corner until you stop thinking about Brown Dogs.

65. Gladys Knight

More famous than the bear riding in the little car?

It's actually encouraged in the gay section of our local nude beach.

Uh, Kanye West got very tired!

Cannot upvote enough.