
Richard and Mortimer is, at its absolute best, mildly entertaining. It’s “smart” and funny to those douchebro guys who are neither smart nor particularly funny, but are convinced they’re the wittiest person in every room. This show personifies the unearned confidence of straight white men.

How could she have done [insert sensationalistic description of a single sex act] for so little money? In this viewpoint, women in porn—and only women in porn—are permanently surrendering something of themselves. From this perspective, any dollar amount is shameful. It’s why the Twitter discourse and the mainstream

Why do you find a concession victory so hallow, and why do you feel like you need to play to the end for the win to be meaningful to you?

I don’t play Magic, but I did play Gwent pretty aggressively for some time... The amount of time I have to play games is very limited these days. I’m sorry, I’m not going to waste it on a game I know I’m going to lose. My challenge to you: “Accept your win, and move on.”

Knowing when to concede is probably the 2nd most important skill in magic. The first being how to mulligan properly. If you play 2 hours every day and play out every game even if it is hopeless. You will probably end up wasting 2-3 hours every week which could earn you more wins. Time is money after all.

Like... I understand why she turned. Everyone that has been there for Dany throughout the entire series to keep her from killing people, or help her understand how to actually rule, is now either dead or has betrayed her in some way. The scene with her and Jon was suppose to be the last straw for her, to show how he

That Dany was in danger of crossing a line has been in the books and show for a very long time. There have been cracks in her empathy and humanity throughout going all the way back to her reaction to Viserys’s death. She’s gone for mass murder more than once and usually in horrific ways — Qarth, Vaes Dothrak, various

Great article.

While I still don’t entirely “get” the ridiculous popularity of the genre, I do think I know why I haven’t enjoyed past BR games.

PUBG is novel in concept, just poorly executed and with zero polish. It’s ugly, it’s janky, and it just doesn’t feel good to play. I get that the tension is really what hooked people, but

Goku from way, way back in Dragon Ball has -always- been about the fight. He and Ryu are the same in a lot of ways and towards the end of Super, he points out that he never sees himself or wants to be some hero of justice, that his driving force it to always become stronger and stronger.

Its not an invasion of privacy if she agreed to be interviewed. Not if it was some rando on the internet spending hours to track her social media profiles, then yes that could be seen as an invasion of privacy

I can see why some would question some of what she is claiming but also understand reservations she would have towards people if she has sheltered herself for so long. I mean...

It is sort of meaningless to say “they play a different role than the characters colloquially thought of as DPS”, because all of the characters play different roles.

Pharah and Soldier don’t fill the same role. Junkrat and Tracer don’t fill the same role. Reaper and Hanzo don’t fill the same role. Widowmaker and

Actually, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism.

Lots of things going on in lots of MMO’s and multiplayer games. But fortnite gets the coverage because Kotaku is driven by the mindset of “How can I get the most clicks for the least amount of effort, legwork, research, etc.”

Why do we micro-report on every little thing that happens in Fortnite?

This is great. Can’t wait until tomorrow. Rooting for Hook on FighterZ, but also for SonicFox of course. I’m in love with that game and both of them are my fav players!

Strange, considering I found her to be better in every regard. I kill people more easily now and survive longer.

Heres something that the article doesn’t even mention, but youll read about if you follow the link to Eanae’s post (seriously go read it, it’ll be a lot more informative than this article) about losing partner status. The r/ffxiv discord had a NSFW channel in place BEFORE being partnered yet Discord still gave them

I find this article available.