
Speak for yourself!

You made a rage bait article, then took the worst comments from that page and made another. Holy shit how much do they pay you people?

Did you really just cherry pick a line to rage bait an article? Holy shit Kotaku is so bad these days.

I mean you’re right. I just think it’s silly to get upset at these people when it has no effect on the person complaining about it. Especially when that isn’t even the focus of the article.

Not that I agree with what they’re spending their money on, but I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to say what someone should be spending their money on if it isn’t harming anyone (including themselves). If they have the extra cash and want to support someone who entertains them frequently, who really cares?

This was actually my main spray for mcree just to tag over the cute sprays. That being said I’m not disappointed at the removal. More disappointed it took this long I guess.

I see so many people hung up on the fact that the original is being split up into multiple parts it’s like they’ve already convinced themselves this game can’t be good without even touching it.

Episode 3 was where I was like... okay maybe I like it. Then I watched more... and more. And now I love it. It isn’t without it’s flaws of course but damn do I want more.

Like... I understand why she turned. Everyone that has been there for Dany throughout the entire series to keep her from killing people, or help her understand how to actually rule, is now either dead or has betrayed her in some way. The scene with her and Jon was suppose to be the last straw for her, to show how he

Did... did you really go into a Dragonball movie expecting anything different? I went in expecting to see some brilliantly animated fight scenes, which was exactly what I got, with a bit of humor and, surprisingly, me hoping that Broly would live. I take Dragonball for what it is, fun to watch for when I just want

As someone who had nothing but negative things to say about Blue Mage, I’m having way more fun than I have in a while with it. Just doing silly things with all the abilities is a ton of fun, and I know it will wear off after 50 and the carnivale, but I can’t help but want more of this kind of thing. The masked

This patch is not a doozy. Aside from a new raid that is not yet even out, this patch does nothing but fix mistakes that have been there since BfA launched, while creating others, and getting to a point of quality still less than the launch of Legion.

Pretty much this. They know Fortnite will get the clicks. Heather proved that with her response. The only formula they really need anymore is “What’s a popular reddit thread I can use as my own idea for an article.”

The issue here isn’t that someone is one tricking. It’s that they’re intentionally griefing. Whatever way they do it is on them, this one person does it by not working with the team. Sure sym and torb can be great in their own right, but when you have this person on your team the entire day, every game, and what you

I still think it’s weird how people take this shit out of context super hard. Some alt-right moron uses pepe meme to be an insensitive prick, a bunch of alt-right morons pick it up. Guess all Pepes (even the rarest ones) are now racist because no one can discern from a frog with a swastika and one without one.

I think he only really started to falter on Numbani with the doomfist and reaper picks, but that didn’t last long.

As of last season and this season I’ve pretty much become a Mercy main. And all I can say is thank fuck for this nerf. Actual support players like me fill Mercy slots because without one you have a significantly higher chance of losing. Now I can pull out Lucio or Zen more often and not feel like the entire team is

Who actually cares about the faction wars anymore? Doesn’t half the Horde hate Sylvanas anyway? Why do players go from killing fucking Argus back to killing each other?

Here’s a great idea, instead of everyone stop saying bless you, let’s start hiring writers who aren’t pussies about common courtesies that are in no way newsworthy.

Weird. I’ve read so many of Chuck Palahniuk’s books and never realized he was gay until just now.