
I’ve lost so much interest in HxH that I’d have to reread the entire thing to remember what was even happening at this point. Then I would likely be greeted by another hiatus once I finished, so at this point why even bother?

There’s actually a super simple solution to this incredibly early in the game. Set Quetzalcotl to learn Card Refine. You can get this ability before you even finish beating Ifrit. You will almost never have to draw magic from enemies the entirety of the game as long as you play enough of the card game.

The fonts aren’t the same, there’s no kids on the Cup Noodle at all, the only resemblance is ink splats, which, surprise, is not totally foreign for a squid.

I never played the first one, but this looked really good. Can anyone recommend the first? Will I at least need to know what happens in the first?

I mean, quickplay is honestly just a place to practice characters you aren’t good with. Mystery heroes is less reliable in that, so if that healer swapped they had already given up and want some widow practice.

Honestly there is not enough to this keyboard to warrant that price tag. The detachable cord is nice but everything this keyboard does, a Corsair Strafe or Corsair K70 does much better. One thing it’s missing is a USB passthrough, something that isn’t required, but at that pricetag should be included. Also the Romer

I’m usually one of the first people to tell people they overreact, but if you’ve looked at any of the evidence on the reddit page, or watched any pro streamers like Seagull, they highlight exactly why this update was bad. It’s not just the normally vocal bad players, it’s almost everyone (including the people using

6 guys in a group is a great representation of the entire playerbase for FFXV. On the flipside, everyone I’ve talked to has loved the game.

THIS. Her primary fire shreds tanks like DVA. I usually only play her on Anubis or Hollywood and only on the first point, but if I have a solid team it’s extremely difficult for the enemy team to cap that point.

Holy crap thanks for the awesome answer! I’ll definitely have to resub for a month at least to check it out. I love the level scaling idea.

As someone who is currently subbed to FFXIV (and currently getting bored with it) is there anything out of this expansion for players like me? I bought WoD and was pretty disappointed in it, but I always get the itch with videos like this. Before WoD I only really played Vanilla through Lich King, so is there a lot of

After seeing these, I’m actually happier that I joined Instinct. We seem to be the team that takes this all less seriously, and all of these are fucking hilarious.

As a PC gamer with interest in console gaming for it’s exclusives, I think Microsoft announcing that not only will buying a game for windows 10 means you have it on xbone, but the fact they are pushing cross play between the two almost solidified my choice of buying a ps4 instead of an xbone.

I use reds in an office environment and have just warned my coworkers it may get loud at some point. They acknowledge it and turn up their country music.

I use reds in an office environment and have just warned my coworkers it may get loud at some point. They

The original helmet takes concepts from medieval and roman style knight/soldier helmets (what I was referring to). Also I hadn’t seen that picture because it seems to be fan art, but I can see how you drew your conclusion now. I like both styles though really.

Sees a medieval/roman looking futuristic helmet, expects it to not be heavier set. What you should have said is it isn’t what you were hoping it would be.

I had someone do this to me in Titanfall a while back. I didn’t get the game til late in it’s life, but it was easy enough to pick up and do well at. Being such a low level it was often I got accused of using a smurf account....

I mean actually going through that article, Lionhead wanted to move away from Fable. They were sick of it but the only reason they kept doing it was because that was what Microsoft funded them for.

Dang. I mean I guess it can happen but at the same time that’s why the ability to change who you are playing as is an option. If you can’t get out of the base swap either to someone with a shield or wall to protect your team, or go Reaper/Genji to try and get behind the douchebags doing it and kill them to make it

In these situations it’s balanced because the defending team spawn is quite a ways behind the attackers, so if a defender dies the attackers have a pretty good advantage. There are also 3 separate entrances the attackers can start from, and the smart play is usually get someone with a shield to block the initial