
I keep my thoughts and prayers locked away in a safe place, so that any kids or mentally deranged people in my house can’t accidentally take one of those thoughts or prayers and use it in a way that was not intended.  I learned my lesson after my 5 year old nephew found an unattended thought in my house and started

Hey, the family that games together, stays together, right? I’ve never had that tight a bonding experience with my dad anyway. We’ve not once been arrested together!

Only took 4 minutes for That Guy to post. Gotta be some kind of record.

I think you’ve been misled by personal bias based on your interests. Yeah, they laid off a bunch of esports people, but they also laid off a bunch of IRL/talk show folks, and a bunch of people involved in streaming tabletop RPGs. Basically they laid off most of their in-house content people. This isn’t Twitch getting

I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.

Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

Counterpoint: Any billionaire who wears a shirt with the 80’s metal glam band Tesla on it is fucking awesome.

Meh kinda feel bad for him. Dude was just trying to rap along. slipped up and now he’s gonna get destroyed by people. I don’t think he was trying to be a racist and honestly that should be kinda obvious. but no matter how it was intended it’s going to get taken out of context and skewed and twisted until he’s vilified

feel like your original headline, I, Cecilia, Hate Fun, was a better fit for this one

Counterpoint: Junkrat is amazing.

“Most men think this is what sex is”?? That is ridiculous. Most men reading this are horrified.

It is impossible to beat demon’s souls without getting hit, thanks to a giant dragon at the beginning of the game

Considering Genghis Kahn was at best a violent and brutal, and at worst genocidal, expansionist, I don’t think it’s fair for Mongolians to impose their reverence for this figure on others.

I see you’re not intellectually capable of addressing any social issue that you can’t pidgeonhole into the false dichotomies you require to parse them.

The issue here isn’t that someone is one tricking. It’s that they’re intentionally griefing. Whatever way they do it is on them, this one person does it by not working with the team. Sure sym and torb can be great in their own right, but when you have this person on your team the entire day, every game, and what you

And in our desperation we turned to a city we didn’t fully understand.

Tom Brady: somehow the one white guy on the Pats who *can’t* catch a pass

I still think it’s weird how people take this shit out of context super hard. Some alt-right moron uses pepe meme to be an insensitive prick, a bunch of alt-right morons pick it up. Guess all Pepes (even the rarest ones) are now racist because no one can discern from a frog with a swastika and one without one.