
Ultimately, this just makes Blue Hole look pathetic.

Even the ‘well-polished’ part has been slipping dramatically, according to reports over the last few years. Now they’re falling into the same mediocre update cycle as everyone else, where they release something, then release a patch to fix what broke, then release a patch to fix what the first patch broke.

I’m done with apple, after finding out they throttle our phones, and now this. Just release the app for android and I can happily never buy another apple product.

You can’t buy books on the Kindle app for iOS? That’s some serious bullshit. Greedy fucks.

As an Apple user, I’m gonna just get this off my chest by saying Fuck You, Apple.

What a crock.

Apple’s not going to let any game app into the App Store where they don’t get 30% of every single game purchase. Yes, it’s just remote screen, no that won’t fly with Apple.

This. Anything that looks like an app store or something to sold digital content automatically is rejected.

Apple attempts to repress any app where you can purchase or use any digital content that doesn’t go through their app store. It’s why you can’t order Kindle books in the Amazon app and you can’t order Audiobooks in Audible. If they decide you might be able to purchase something they feel they should get a cut of, it’s

I kind of see that but the problem is at some point if you have two of them you’re going to want to charge them both at the same time and the charging cable is $30 this bundle only saves you $39 and for everything else you’ve lost I don’t think it’s worth the savings

The other GoW games were like that too. It’s a good game that you buy, you play, and move on. Old school. No months of mediocre DLC, no crap gated off with endless grinding, no online deathmatch (or battle royale), no concerted effort to try to coerce you into continuing to engage with the game so they can sell you

I’m sorry, have you played The Witcher?

Or GTA V. Or Genital Jousting Or...

This is what happens when one company has a monopoly on pc games.

You do realize that this metric makes no sense, right?

Well, that depends on who you ask.

Oh they won’t ban The Witcher.

I think the Witcher III is a pretty definitive test-case for this scenario. There’s definitely an anti-anime stigma attached here.

One knee-jerk reaction begets another I suppose (to the point that FOSTA in particular is little more than a knee jerk reaction that actually puts sex workers in even more danger and makes it notably harder to actually catch human traffickers instead of protecting anyone

Folks over at LupieSoft made a interesting point (I read in a techraptor article), that they believe if they made the exact same game with 3D realistic art style, no one would mind.

Can’t say I disagree personally.