
An opinion is an opinion, and you’re far from alone in not liking this movie, but did we really need to know who Snoke was?

It was not on her to explain herself to Poe. It was on Poe to have faith in her leadership. As soon as he finds out her plan, he plans a mutiny. Because he thinks he knows better. He’d have done the mutiny earlier if she’d told him. That’s all. If he’d followed orders like everyone else in the Resistance, the plan

Huh, these things you hated were some of my favorite aspects. It’s almost as if our opinions are subjective...

Why does Snoke’s backstory matter? We don’t know Obi-Wan’s backstory, and it makes not a whit of difference. Ditto for Yoda. Every i and t does not need to be dotted and crossed.

It was great seeing a movie go, “you make your own legacy, dumbass. Don’t rely on what may have happened before.”

This is a great article. Basically, the author’s take is that the Jedi were corrupt AF and that “midichlorians” were a pseudoscientific ruse designed to protect their regime from close scrutiny or criticism.

It doesn’t hurt that Holdo had the movie’s single greatest heroic and self-sacrificing moment either. You could hear the gasps in the theater.

And those same joyless assholes would’ve complained had all their expectations been met because then the movie would’ve been too predictable.

I’m just going to say that what Luke did to Kylo was far, far worse than any physical beat down he could have administered...and was EXACTLY what the Resistance needed.

I loved everything this movie had to say about legacy and heroism. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. 

A great movie? Because I loved every part of this movie including Kylo becoming the true villain.

A lot of my friends seem to be real disappointed in the movie, some even calling it outright bad, which just confuses the hell out of me. Like you say, it might just come down to the subversion of expectations not going over well with them. You have no idea how much I actually expected that Luke in his X-Wing scene at

Exactly! I’ll be the first to say that tropes are tools, but it was just so refreshing to see the movie tell us that she did this all on her own. Who she came from doesn’t matter. I honestly expected her to have some sort of prestigious “pedigree,” and this was just such a pleasant surprise.

And ultimately trying to subvert these tropes is the reason that so many Star Wars fans are freaking the fuck out.

The world must be a frightening place to you.

it’s funny to me when people shame sex workers. mainly because sex is a fixture in everyones lives. carry on, though. lol

Looking at the comment section, it appears that the morality police is out in force... Now that said, when did this happen? If it was last year, then the suggestion were most like based on location tracking which FB claimed they discontinued using last year. The other possibility is that her other phone number is a

If you honestly equate being a cam girl to sex trafficking I really don’t want to live in a society with you in it. Your morals are fucked.

Not all sex work is prostitution.