I agree that it was heartening to see she still acknowledged the evidence and voted to convict. That’s a pretty low bar though, and the rest of it is worrying.
I agree that it was heartening to see she still acknowledged the evidence and voted to convict. That’s a pretty low bar though, and the rest of it is worrying.
Jesus fucking Christ, that juror is an indictment of the jury selection system.
The funny thing is a huge chunk of Korn’s output raged against those frat boys.
This really shows you how inept Trump has always been.
The argument seems to be that the payment would have to be made even without the existence of the presidential campaign, which is plausible since the Donald has done this sort of thing before.
How does one choose which women to believe based on that advice?
No, it really isn’t. Don’t just add words to well known phrases to make them mean what you want them to mean.
No. “Believe women” recognizes that some women’s claims may not be credible. That’s why the word “all” is not included, except in straw man arguments.
“Believe all women”. No.
Voting should indeed be mandatory. You can turn up at the booth and draw dicks all over the ballot, but getting to the voting booth should be a citizen’s obligation on par with jury duty.
Never forget Betteridge’s law of headlines.
His base may blindly follow him into the abyss, but if you can convince him he thought of an idea organically during his daily news binge, well, you might just change his mind.
If they do go ahead with this dumb idea, I hope they stunt cast Macaulay Culkin as the titular stoner.
The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot
The man has been the defendant in nearly 1,500 lawsuits. He’s been beat down hundreds of times; it’s just he was too rich for anything to ruin him.
Trent Lott got off easy.
Finland has the highest number of metal bands per capita, with 53.5 metal bands per 100,000 people, followed by Sweden and Norway tied at 27.2.
Seriously. How the fuck does he still have a job?
You can tell she’s a Communist because she publicly owned that show.
any form of consideration physical contact in the form of wrestling or tumbling between individuals of the opposite sex when one or more of the individuals is nude or seminude.