You’ll notice that the usage of feminazi died out the moment people decided that being a nazi isn’t so bad after all.
You’ll notice that the usage of feminazi died out the moment people decided that being a nazi isn’t so bad after all.
Get caught and you’ll be charged with terrorism, whether or not you deserve to.
Thicker skin too.
Years ago, this man brought along his nanny to canvas during his first campaign. He, the English son of a Lord, tried to run for MP in a Scottish mining town.
When David Duke, Richard Spencer, and The Daily Stormer all voice their approval of your work, you may be a white supremacist.
If I were Warren, I’d question whether he even has enough money to put up. He’d need proof of income, some sort of tax return perhaps.
Point taken. I probably should’ve said Republicans and Democrats instead.
I have to disagree with this article.
Word is he loves it when she calls him Big Pappas.
Conservative and progressive both rail against the elite. They just have differing definitions of what the elite is.
Manafort hasn’t been convicted, much less sentenced.
It’s worth noting some specific examples of Chope being a complete cunt.
Marv Wolfman must live with the fact that he can never create a superhero with a cooler name than him.
Fuck yeah they’d all be standing.
This passage follows on directly from that:
The public needs the texts before and after that exchange, for context.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: All Lives Matter.
Literally none of that tweet is a denial of the report.