Whenever someone points to Avenatti’s legal troubles, love for the camera, or history of not paying business partners, I always respond with, “Wow, this guy sounds like he would make a terrible President”.
Whenever someone points to Avenatti’s legal troubles, love for the camera, or history of not paying business partners, I always respond with, “Wow, this guy sounds like he would make a terrible President”.
White House journalists need to push back more.
Get the Satanic Temple on the case. They do this all the time.
This seems like a good time to remind everyone of what GOP Rep Kevin McCarthy said about the Benghazi investigation.
Trump pardoning himself would effectively be an confession of guilt, and a call for himself to be impeached. He won’t go to jail, but he would need to be removed from office.
It’s a sign of how fucked things are that this seems plausible.
The term “Deep State” came from Turkey in the 90s.
Luckily for the cops, you only have their word since they killed the only other witness. To be clear, you only have the word of people who could be charged with murder if events didn’t play out exactly as they claim it did.
He “raised” a gun at cops and then refused to comply with their orders.
A SWAT team later found the gun in Hill’s back pocket. Per this story, the police officer shot and killed Hill while the garage door was lowering.
She thinks the CIA programme MKUltra is brainwashing all of Hollywood, into believing school shootings are bad maybe? Who knows.
Don’t forget this one cryptic tweet during the March for Our Lives.
A Whose Line is it Anyway? viewer must’ve put “Previously unsaid sentences in history” in the suggestions hat.
Not only is this not Roseanne’s first racist tweet, it’s not even her first tweet comparing a black former Obama official to an ape.
Imagine how much worse off we’d all be if Sessions “recused” himself, Nunes-style.
Readily available pornography is why modern day Germany and Japan are the most violent they have ever been in their history.
That damned liberal media.
Eh, nothing will happen unless Mueller indicts Trump. He could be guilty as sin, but the prevailing thought that a President can only be impeached, not indicted, means he won’t face charges.
He says he has a business but won’t say what it is. The parents paid him over a grand to move out, but he spent it all on “expenses” rather than moving costs. Everything about this case is hilarious.
That signature looks like a Death Metal logo which makes it the only thing I like about him. You could photoshop it into any festival poster and no one would tell.