It’s already happening. The claim now is that it was a trick to get Kim to destroy his own nuclear test site.
It’s already happening. The claim now is that it was a trick to get Kim to destroy his own nuclear test site.
“I felt a wonderful dialogue was building between you and me, and ultimately, it is the only dialogue that matters.”
More than just not being offended, taking a knee was started by a veteran. Kaepernick wanted to sit out the anthem, but Green Beret Nate Boyer suggested kneeling, like a flag in half mast.
Nevermind that Spygate was already the name for all of the following:
I wonder what conservative media will make of the fact that this same informant worked to spy on Jimmy Carter to help Ronald Reagan get elected.
It is literally impossible to read MORTAL KOMBAT!!! without mid-90s techno keyboards.
The source was smart to come to Ronan Farrow instead of a well meaning but incompetent org like The Intercept (Snowden and Winner make them 0-2 in protecting whistleblowers).
Have you ever heard Mueller speak to anyone about anything? Me neither.
Now that Trump’s staked his reputation on being The One to secure a meeting with Kim, the DPRK are seeing how much he’s willing to give up for the meeting to go through.
Ignorance of a law does not make something NOT a crime. The dreamers are by definition criminals. Whether you feel they should be or not, they ARE.
The Documentation Center at the Nuremberg Nazi Party Rally Grounds has a wall filled with the names of companies that helped the Nazis.
I’ve been saying for ages that Russia wanted to meddle in US elections, and they wanted to get caught.
When you libs were banning guns, I studied the blade. When you were having premarital sex, I mastered the airwaves. While you wasted their days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner strength. And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help.
I bet his style is too deadly to be practiced at full strength.
Further to that, Korea Aerospace’s involvement with Cohen gives context to Trump’s unusual success in the region.
“There is a tweet for everything”, tweeted the spawn of the man whose obvious, ceaseless lying gave birth to the meme.
He certainly overcame obstacles to become President (albeit not entirely legally).