
Probably to piss of R* for not releasing it on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC at the same time.

This is why non-contact voltage tester is a good thing to own :)
If you don't have one, a wall stud detector with a power line detector could also do the job.

Lets save some bandwidth here

My PC outspec the PS4, so yeah it did cost more but I paid for what I got.

Because it's a novel concept, but like any technology, some education has to be done to ensure people use it securely (well, one can hope).

Oh no — pwned on 1 site!
Gawker (December 2010)

If I did, it was only on one site, and this was solved with a password reset.

Hey, why not fix it and make it work again for someone else who wants to get the basics of DD-WRT for cheap?

And the book is unavailable in my country (Canada), while the device is.

To death.. Until something else happens.

Play Books also offer page syncing and a web-based version of the app for desktop reading.

My guess is that Adobe Flash Player now has background automatic update.

It won't improve if people aren't beta-testing though :P

Exactly what I plan to do.

I've being using a Gerber multi-plier 600 for several years and it's still going strong.

Yes you can. Be aware that conversion isn't perfect, so try to stick to a format if you can.

Nope, ZIP archives aren't considered as convertible, as Google doesn't have a native format for that.

Then use the customizability of Android to set it to your liking.

I'll stay with Google Now and my Pebble watchface.

Grand Vine Auto: Grape City?