
Hangouts Against Humanity? What a wonderful idea!

Is that.. Sarah Palin?

I've got that one, which I can use indoor/outdoor for 60$. It can also act as a power-pack if travelling!

Should be there very quickly on Nexus devices.

You also get a product key, so you could also get the app from the developer's website and install it from there.

You don't need to keep Steam installed afterwards.

I don't have a landline since 2 years ago and I dropped the TV a month ago.

Increase sales.

I still have a Samsung Nexus S and I really like the size. I hope the next Nexus phone(s) will be similar-sized, or other different dimensions.

I actually put all my electronics (smartphone, digital cameral) in Ziploc bags when I go to the beach. Sand has the potential to screw up these devices badly, and only take them out if I really need to. Good thing is that capacitive screen works through the bag without taking it out.

I am able to function normally with around 6 hours of sleep. I sometime nap for an hour when I come back from work, and then I go on with my evening and do some exercise to drain myself completely before going to bed.

Gotta love the "expand" button on each pictures that does everything but expand the size..

You could use

You could create a Pocket account, save the article and read it later on your Nexus 7 ;)

I almost threw a wiimote because of those.. I don't own a Wii anymore.

@Se7en_speed: And my Archos 32 (which is Wifi-only) will definitely like this.

"The consequences will never be the same."

I'm currently satisfied with gReader. Why did it take so long Google? It's not like you don't own the product..

I like the way you think..

@Jim.: minecraft.net